1. This video really breaks down some tough ideas into language I can understand. Thanks! Most helpful to me were the explanation of the two-character shots going into the three-character shots and how their position changed. Also, your point about using the storyboard for background planning was useful.

    • Sherm

      Very glad to hear it Jeremy — and that trick about cutting away to the third character has gotten me out of many jams. Thanks for the input!

  2. Interesting. Never had thought what happens when other characters enter the scene and how it affects the Stageline. now it’s clear!

    • Sherm

      HI Ken — yes, changing the stageline for a new character’s entrance can be one of the trickiest things to deal with. But now that you’ve seen this solution, you’ll be able to use it any time to get you out of a jam 🙂

  3. Renpa Gota

    Hi Sherm i just had a quick question. At 14:34 you draw an arrow to show that the guy with the hat has come in from the corner. My question is why draw the guy twice? Is it to let people know which direction he was going after the turn?

  4. Robert Dales

    Hi Renpa, check out the camera moves video, it is explained there.

  5. jason chee

    i love rewatching these videos.

    • Sherm

      Great! A lot of concepts get stronger with repetition, so I’m really glad to hear that you’re getting a lot out of watching them again! –Sherm

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