1. Kevin Reed

    Are there any portfolio websites that you think are good?

  2. Robert Dales

    Don’t know if I write this here but…

    1.Assemble work desk and get my computer set up

    2.Read script I am going to create samples from

    3.get iPad tripod mount, acork board and a soft light to take pictures of my art for portfolio

    And… Continue watching the course videos!

  3. Philip Perales

    Hello Sherm, I heard you mention a homework assignment in one of the “Portfolio” videos, Is there a link to that assignment? Thanks.

    • Sherm

      Hi Philip — references to assignments or homework were from a separate live class…I recently added those extra videos here as an added bonus even for those that did not enroll in the live course. Thanks for asking!

  4. Philip Perales

    Ok, thanks. Do you have any examples of studio storyboard tests? Or links to.I’m just looking to test my knowledge so far.

  5. Rebecca Arnold

    Hey Sherm,

    If I present a storyboard portfolio with my own ideas and strong work, how am I to ensure that my ideas and animated stories will not be used by the studio to which I am applying?

  6. leo laifa

    oh, another question, can i put some photography work in my portofolio?

    • Sherm

      Hi Leo — it’s always best to keep your portfolio focused on the job you’re applying for. Studios want to know whether you’ll be able to start producing work for them on day-one…anything in the portfolio (like photography) that doesn’t apply to the specific job can dilute the power of your presentation.

      • leo laifa

        thanks, i have another question, is it 25 pages total or per storyboard samples? also i was thinking of doing a storyboard based on the song candy store from heaters the musical but the song has swears in it, should i censor them?

  7. leo laifa

    also how much art style vaariety should i put in my portofolio boards? should each of the 5 storyboard be in a diferent style? or should i do more than one in the style i use most regularly? As in not to look like i don’t know what type of storyboarding job i’m looking for while still showing my abilities aren’t limited either

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